Monday, May 18

Weekend recap

This weekend was the best of both worlds--the sun and the rain. After a torturous winter, we have been basking in the sun most everyday--Maisy loves the new playground!

Perhaps we've been overindulging, some may say. Thankfully, yesterday we were given a healthy dose of rain and I was finally motivated to work on re-finishing my nightlight display while Maisy napped (nearly 3 hours!). What started off as a plain, faux wood display ended up being a regal, more attractive place to show the lights complete with its own "wallpaper".

The before and after, below, which I didn't necessarily hate, but I thought the wood background was a bit too light (no pun intended), given that it's for displaying nightlights which will be in a dark room--more contrast was needed. And let's face it, those outlets were ugly:

My foamcore panel and trusty brayer for the paper:

Et voila!

I love how the flocked paper creates a nice home for the lights, and without any sheen, it makes the lights stand out even more. A most satisfying little craft project: done!

Hope your weekend was fun and productive too! We have a busy week ahead, as it's the last week of classes for Justin. This means I won't get much time in at the studio--only the critical runs like shipping out orders and the like. But come next week it will be fun ahoy. I'm already going to start on my Christmas ornaments--not even June! How prompt I am this year!

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